Academic Programs & Services are the responsibility of the Provost. Hands-on experience is the cornerstone of Delhi's academic programs. Bachelor's degree programs include extensive internships. Technical programs feature extensive on-the-job experiences as well. It is a proven approach that gets results.
Nikki Hoffman, Bush Hall 216, 607-746-4649,
The Office of Academic Advising ensures that each student is assigned to an academic staff or faculty member for the purpose of academic advising. The collaborative efforts of academic advisor and student create a program of study at pre-registration and students continue working with their advisors until graduation. It is important to note that the final responsibility for selecting courses which will satisfy degree requirements rests solely with the student. Students may also access their DegreeWorks, which is a web-based tool that allows students and advisors to review and monitor student progress towards degree completion.
The College Catalog, linked off the Academics web page, states the general and special requirements for a degree and is designed to help students keep a constant check on their progress. Students may also access their DegreeWorks Degree Evaluation through Bronco Web. DegreeWorks is a web-based tool that allows students and advisors to review and monitor student progress towards degree completion.
The Office of Academic Advising shares information on how students should work with their advisors, when to see their advisors, how to effectively communicate, and most importantly, the responsibilities of a student in the advisement process.
The Academic Policies Handbook contains the complete set of requirements, guidelines, and regulations which govern your academic relationship with SUNY Delhi. A copy of the Academic Programs and Services Policies Handbook is available for review in your Academic School office and online under Academic Resources. This document outlines the organization of Academic Programs & Services, Academic Code, Academic Resources & Services, Compliance Legislation, and Internet Policies.
Important sections of the Academic Policies Handbook to note are as follows:
The College Catalog is also a helpful source of information. It is the student’s responsibility to be familiar with academic policies at SUNY Delhi.
Faculty members have been asked to leave a message on their voicemail advising students if they have canceled class. There are several ways to check on the status of campus-wide class cancellations and campus activities in the event of inclement weather or emergencies.
Students may check for special postings on SUNY Delhi's website or tune into the following radio stations: WDHI (100.3 FM), WDLA (92.1 FM/1270 AM), WDOS (730 AM) and WSRK (103.9 FM), and WIOX (91.3 FM). Students may also check television stations: Albany (CBS Channel 6), Binghamton (CBS Channel 12).
All students, faculty, and staff are automatically enrolled in the SUNY Delhi emergency notification system, Rave. This system is used to communicate severe weather conditions, class cancellations, and other campus emergencies. Messages are sent to your Delhi email address (your email account) if the internet is available.
NOTE: The college, as well as other state agencies, can only be closed by the Governor. Local government officials, police, and radio or television stations have no authority to close state offices or facilities.
Bush Hall 124, 607-746-4560, Fax: 607-746-4569
The Registrar’s Office is responsible for maintaining all student academic records. This includes coordination of the college schedule of classes, student schedule changes (add or drop of individual courses) after the end of the add/drop period, processing changes of academic majors, production of academic transcripts, production of diplomas, verification of degrees awarded, and verification of student enrollment in classes.
Academic Transcript Request – All students admitted fall 2023 or later will order their transcripts through Parchment. Electronic transcripts are charged at $5.00 per transcript; paper transcripts mailed to an address in the USA are charged $7.50. International and FedEx services are additional (see page for details). Students who were admitted prior to fall 2023 have the option to order transcripts through Parchment at the published price or through the Registrar’s Office with a signed release of information (a form is available online). Transcripts sent from the Registrar’s Office can only be sent via US Mail. Official transcripts contain a record of all courses, grades and degrees from SUNY Delhi. A transcript may be sent only at the request of the student for his or her own academic record.
Co-Curricular Transcripts are an official record maintained by the Center for Student Leadership & Engagement for co-curricular activities (clubs, organizations, activities), awards, accomplishments, and honors received.
Enrollment Verification Certificates - To conveniently serve SUNY Delhi students around the clock, SUNY Delhi has authorized the National Student Clearinghouse to act as its agent for verification of student enrollment status. You can obtain an official Enrollment Verification Certificate at any time via the Clearinghouse website. This Enrollment Verification Certificate can be presented to health insurance agencies, housing authorities, consumer product companies, banks, etc., when asked to provide official evidence of enrollment at SUNY Delhi. The Registrar’s Office, Bush Hall 124, will also provide written proof of enrollment upon receiving either an in-person request or a written request. For more information, please visit the Enrollment Verification page.
Graduation Requirements - SUNY Delhi students who have met degree/certificate requirements and wish to graduate are required to submit a Petition to Graduate. After final grades are processed, if the student does not meet the degree requirements for the semester in which they have applied to graduate, they must fill out a new petition for the new term in which they will meet graduation requirements.
DegreeWorks - Degree Evaluation is a tool that allows students to track courses in progress and help determine what courses are still required for their program. DegreeWorks assists students with their advisors to create course schedules and provide an up-to-date academic history and degree audit. It is important to note that the final responsibility for selecting courses which will satisfy degree requirements rests solely with the student.
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA) gives students certain rights with respect to their education records. Students may request a paper copy of our policy from the Registrar's Office in person, Bush Hall 124 or through email