School Boundaries

This system allows you to use Metro's "School Locator" GIS software to find out what NC12 school(s) a student would attend for a specific address.

Go to the NCSD School Locator and follow the prompts. Some steps and tips for effective use of the Metro Map:

  1. Enter the Street Address or Intersection you are interested in. The system will show you matching address choices as you type.
  2. Click on "Search".
  3. If the search doesn't work make sure to use abbreviations for Street, AV, BLVD, etc. Include NE, SE, N, etc. Use 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc.
  4. When the results come back, the address will show on a map along with a list showing the Elementary, Middle and High Schools.
  5. Click on the school's name within the list to link to the school's web site.

PLEASE NOTE: The North Clackamas School District has attempted to make this system as accurate as possible. In some specific cases near the joining of two school borders, it is possible that the School Locator may display an incorrect or conflicting result. The District is working to resolve these issues.

If you have a specific School Boundary Question, please call: (503) 353-6119.

See links at the bottom of the page for up to date school boundary maps.