Radar is an object detection system which uses radio waves to determine the range, altitude, direction, or speed of objects. It can be used to detect aircraft, ships, spacecraft, guided missiles, motor vehicles, weather formations, and terrain. The radar dish or antenna transmits pulses of radio waves or micro waves which bounce off any object in their path. The object returns a tiny part of the wave's energy to a dish or antenna which is usually located at the same site as the transmitter. The modern uses of radar are highly diverse, including air traffic control, radar astronomy, air-defense systems, antimissile systems ;marine radar start locate landmarks and other ships; aircraft anti-collision systems; ocean surveillance systems, outer space surveillance and rendezvous systems; meteorological precipitation monitoring; altimetry and flight control systems; guided missile target locating systems; and ground-penetrating radar for geological observations. High tech radar systems are associated with digital signal processing and are capable of extracting useful information from very high noise levels. The Arduino based project requires a ultrasonic sensor, the sensor released the waves which we want to measure the distance of a object. The microcontrollers of the Arduino board can be programmed using C and C++ languages. When a code is written in Arduino UNO IDE software and connected to the board through a USB cable, Arduino boards have lot of applications in the present day scenario, so we have decided to do a small project on them.

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RADAR is an object detection system which uses radio waves to determine the range, altitude, direction, or speed of objects. Radar systems come in a variety of sizes and have different performance specifications. Some radar systems are used for air-traffic control at airports and others are used for long range surveillance and early-warning systems. A radar system is the heart of a missile guidance system. Small portable radar systems that can be maintained and operated by one person are available as well as systems that occupy several large rooms. The radar dish or antenna transmits pulses of radio waves or microwaves which bounce off any object in their path. The object returns a tiny part of the wave's energy to a dish or antenna which is usually located at the same site as the transmitter. Arduino is a single-board microcontroller to make using electronics in multidisciplinary projects more accessible. The hardware consists of an open-source hardware board designed around an 8-bit Atmel AVR microcontroller, or a 32-bit Atmel ARM. The software consists of a standard programming language compiler and a boot loader that executes on the microcontroller. This project aims on the use of Ultrasonic Sensor by “PING” connected to the Arduino UNO R3 board and the signal from the sensor further provided to the screen formed on the laptop to measure the presence of any obstacle in front of the sensor as well as determine the range and angle at which the obstacle is detected by the sensor. For this screen, we use Processing 2 software by Ben Fry and Casey Rease, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge. Also, in addition to it, a set of LED’s connected through the shift register and a buzzer also tells about the range of the obstacle. According to the range of the object, the green, yellow and red LED’s glow up with variations in the buzzer output.

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This project is about the Radar System controlled via Arduino. This RADAR system consists of an ultrasonic sensor and servo motor, these are the major components of the system. The basic working of the system is that it has to detect objects in its defined range. The ultrasonic sensor is attached to the servo motor it rotates about 180 degrees and gives visual representation on the software called processing IDE. Processing IDE gives graphical representation and it also gives the angle or position of the object and distance of the object. This system is controlled through Arduino. Arduino UNO board is sufficient to control ultrasonic sensors and also to interface the sensor and display device. While researching, we learned about existing navigation and obstacle detection innovations and different systems where ultrasonic sensors are used efficiently. The main application of this RADAR system comes into a different field of navigation, positioning, object identification, mapping, spying or tracking, and different applications. These fewer investment systems are also suitable for indoor applications.

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