Professional Judgement

Eligibility for financial aid is determined by the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), which currently uses financial information from two years prior to estimate a household’s current circumstances. The Office of Student Financial Assistance recognizes that households can experience changes in income or other finances that are not reflected in their information from two years prior.

When these situations occur it is possible to re-evaluate a student’s aid eligibility based on their current circumstances through the Professional Judgement (PJ) process. All Professional Judgement applications are required to have a detailed letter of explanation and supporting documentation. A Professional Judgement cannot be processed for changes until verification is complete. Please check your aid status on your myUCF Student Self Service Portal.

There must be a significant change to the household finances to be considered for a Professional Judgement.

Non-applicable Circumstances

The 2023-2024 Professional Judgement form is now available for students to complete and submit through July 15, 2024. Students who are submitting for a Cost of Attendance adjustment after this deadline will be reviewed on a case by case basis.

Types of Professional Judgement

  1. Change to Student Aid Index (SAI)
  2. Change to Cost of Attendance (COA)

Change to Student Aid Index (SAI)

A change to the SAI could, but is not guaranteed to, result in a change of eligibility for need based awards.

To best determine if an SAI Professional Judgement could be of benefit to you please complete the 2024-2025 SAI Consideration Application.

Change to Cost of Attendance (COA)

Out of pocket costs for the following:

A change to the COA does not necessarily result in a change in financial aid eligibility. An increased COA can provide additional eligibility in a student’s educational budget for private aid. In some instances, a student may have increased eligibility for need-based and/or non-need based awards.

To best determine if a COA Professional Judgement could be of benefit to you please complete the 2024-2025 COA Consideration Application.

The chart below lists the type of supporting documentation required for various categories of Professional Judgement. Failure to submit all applicable required documentation listed will result in a delay and possible denial of your Professional Judgement application.

Note: An approved Professional Judgement Appeal may not result in a change to the student’s financial aid award package.