Final Exams, Spring 2021

This is our usual email at this time of year, with some additions for the online environment:

Reminder: final exams may not take place outside the final exam period, Wednesday, May 19 – Tuesday, May 25.

Please do not give the exam outside the final exam period. Although some students (and some instructors) might prefer to complete the final before the exam period begins, we may not do this because students should not have to study for a final that will take place on days that they are still attending and doing assignments for other classes. Faculty teaching those other classes—and the students themselves—are put at real disadvantage by colleagues who ignore this prohibition. As we do every semester, we have asked students to let the Associate Dean of Students know about exams scheduled by faculty outside the final exam period.

The Exam Schedule

Final exams for synchronous classes should take place at the time scheduled by the registrar’s office so as to avoid conflicts with other exams. Here is a link to the Registrar’s page with the exam schedule:

Final exams for asynchronous classes also must take place during the exam period, but the actual time slot is at the discretion of instructors, presumably in consultation with their students. Given the asynchronous nature of the course, one could ask students to take no longer than two hours to complete the exam within a prescribed 24- or 48-hour period—i.e., a “take-home exam” administered during the final exam period.

Conflict Exams

It is the student’s responsibility to inform the instructor of any instance of a conflict between two exams (i.e., two exams scheduled at the same time). Arrangements for a “conflict exam” must be made by the instructors.

Final Grades

Grades are due via CUNYfirst by the end of the day (11:59pm) on Thursday, May 28.

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55 Lexington Avenue (at 24th Street) | New York, NY 10010