Lecture 1 - Introduction to Microbiology

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ABSTRACT: We discuss the roles of microbes in the ecosystem services provided by soils to humans. The diversity of microbes in soil is enormous and they drive many soil services. We examine the functional, metabolic, and phylogenetic diversity of soil bacteria, archaea, and fungi. The roles of these soil microbes are highlighted in the cycling of major biological elements (C, N, P), in the recycling of wastes, and the detoxifi cation of environmental pollutants. Microbes play a pivotal role in the cycling of nitrogen; they exclusively mediate nitrogen fi xation, denitrifi cation, and nitrifi cation. We also discuss recent theoretical advances in understanding of ecosystem processes that were made possible through explicit consideration of the roles of soil microbes. Global knowledge of soil microbial diversity and functioning is increasing rapidly, but knowledge of New Zealand’s soil microbial resources is sparse, despite their importance in the provisioning and regulating services provided by soil ecosystems.

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