Small clubs and societies may find it challenging to comply with the UK General Data Protection Regulation (UK GDPR). As a small club or society, you do not need to be an expert in UK GDPR in order to comply with it. Small clubs and societies can be any group ranging from sports clubs to hobby clubs, to academic clubs, to scout clubs to political and liberation clubs.
In this article, you will be able to learn more about UK GDPR, what you need in order to comply with it, how it affects small clubs and societies, what key points small clubs and societies will need to be aware of when complying, and the risks of non-compliance.
In this article:
Before getting started, here are some key terms to keep in mind to gain a better understanding of how GDPR works.
Now that we have discussed a few terms used in UK GDPR compliance let us take a look at the ways UK GDPR will affect small clubs and societies in the future.
The following points are recommended to keep in mind when helping your small club or society comply with UK GDPR:
Consent involves providing individuals with the choice and control over how their data is used. Under GDPR, consent must be freely provided, detailed, uninformed, and must have a clear expression of the individual's intentions.
Consent must be distinct from other terms and conditions, and their consent should have easy ways to revoke consent if needed.
Therefore, under UK GDPR, consent must be:
Some data processed by small clubs and societies will be covered by the 'contract' or 'legitimate interests' bases and in those cases no consent is needed. But most marketing activity done by non-profit organisations will rely on consent as its lawful basis.
The collecting, processing, or use of personal data by a processor in line with the controller's instructions based on a contract is known as data processing.
Before collecting and processing a member's personal data or special category data, clubs and societies must first determine the legitimate basis for processing and document it.
Personal and special types of data have various legal bases. For example, if you are running a sport’s club, as part of its membership application form, the club's valid purpose for processing might be to fulfil membership duties (performance of a contract or to enter into a contract). If there is any uncertainty, however, clubs must get informed consent (in the section above).
Employees can depend on the requirement to meet their legal duties as employers as the legal basis for processing their personal data.
Understanding what the terms data controller and data processor mean is important because each role represents different tasks of the club or society.
Essentially, clubs and societies are the data controllers since they store and process the data of their members. Even if the club hires a third-party provider to help with UK GDPR compliance, the club is still responsible.
The club, as the controller, is accountable for the processing's legality, among other things. In addition, the data controller must inform the members of the processing and notify the supervisory authorities in the event of a breach.
The data processor processes personal data only on behalf of the controller. The data processor is frequently a third-party entity outside the club or society.
Understanding the basic principles of UK GDPR is the most critical step in protecting privacy and complying with the UK GDPR.
As a club owner, it’s important to be aware of the rights of individuals. These are simple and straightforward rights.They notify individuals about what you are doing and how you are doing it, as well as how they may get copies of their information, correct any mistakes, or have data erased at any time. They are as follows:
Children in small clubs and societies such as sports clubs, school academic clubs, scout clubs, require extra care since they are less aware of the consequences they may face. Learn more about this in the next section.
When targeting children under the age of 18 for data privacy, the UK GDPR has added specific concerns to make data protection transparent.
Children aged 13 and over are able to give their own permission in the UK. In turn, clubs and societies must consider the need to safeguard children and plan all operations accordingly. And of course, parental permission must be obtained for children under the age of 13.
When collecting data, make sure you have an effective way of identifying the age of the people you are collecting it from, and that you have parental permission processes in place if necessary. When seeking consent from children above the age of 13, a pro tip is to always use simple and straightforward language.
You must ensure that personal data is kept safe, by doing things like encrypting and password-protecting electronic documents and backing them up on a regular basis.
You must also ensure that your volunteers can recognise when a breach has occurred and that they are aware of what they should do and who they should contact in the event of a breach.
Failure to comply with the UK GDPR may result in significant fines ranging from €10 million to €20 million, or 2% to 4% of an organisation's entire global annual revenue in the previous financial year (depending on whichever is greater). You may sometimes have to pay compensation to the individuals affected by the breach as well.
Also, you will only have 72 hours from being aware of a breach to report it to the ICO.
You already need to have someone in your organisation responsible for data protection and the UK GDPR does not change that.
This role of a DPO is unlikely to be required in most small organisations. A DPO must be appointed if you:
The role of a DPO can be performed by a third-party organisation such as DataGuard. Our external DPOs will help your small club or society understand data protection and become overall UK GDPR compliant.
Spend some time learning what you'll need to do to become compliant. Make a strategy for your UK GDPR journey so that you and your club or society may become UK GDPR compliant as quickly as possible.
DataGuard helps small clubs and societies better understand data privacy and become GDPR compliant.
If you need advice on becoming UK GDPR compliant or how you can protect your data against data breaches, get in touch with one of our GDPR experts to book a consultation today.
Originally published 22. March 2022 8:43:43 AM, updated 16. January 2024
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