GDPR for small clubs and societies: How to become GDPR compliant

Small clubs and societies may find it challenging to comply with the UK General Data Protection Regulation (UK GDPR). As a small club or society, you do not need to be an expert in UK GDPR in order to comply with it. Small clubs and societies can be any group ranging from sports clubs to hobby clubs, to academic clubs, to scout clubs to political and liberation clubs.

In this article, you will be able to learn more about UK GDPR, what you need in order to comply with it, how it affects small clubs and societies, what key points small clubs and societies will need to be aware of when complying, and the risks of non-compliance.

In this article:

Basic UK GDPR terminology for small clubs and societies

Before getting started, here are some key terms to keep in mind to gain a better understanding of how GDPR works.