This is the suggested method for both constructing and accessing a table of sample-level variables ( sample_data-class ), which in the phyloseq-package is represented as a special extension of the data.frame-class . When the argument is a data.frame , sample_data will create a sample_data-class object. In this case, the rows should be named to match the sample_names of the other objects to which it will ultimately be paired. Alternatively, if the first argument is an experiment-level ( phyloseq-class ) object, then the corresponding sample_data is returned. Like other accessors (see See Also, below), the default behavior of this method is to stop with an error if object is a phyloseq-class but does not contain a sample_data .
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sample_data(object, errorIfNULL=TRUE) ## S4 method for signature 'ANY' sample_data(object, errorIfNULL = TRUE) ## S4 method for signature 'data.frame' sample_data(object)
(Required). A data.frame-class , or a phyloseq-class object.
(Optional). Logical. Should the accessor stop with an error if the slot is empty ( NULL )? Default TRUE .
A sample_data-class object representing the sample variates of an experiment.