Air selangor application form

The owners or the developers, through the consultants appointed by them, can submit the application to Air Selangor by forwarding the following documents:

For daily demand less than 225,000 litres, these documents shall be submitted directly to the respective Air Selangor Regional Offices.

Submission for Conceptual Designs

For water source applications for daily demand exceeding 4.5 million litres per day (lpd) and to be developed phase by phase, you are required to submit the two (2) sets of Conceptual Design Report for the whole areas, containing the following information:

Note: For factories where the water demands cannot be ascertained, use 75,000 lpd (16, 500 gallons per day) for each hectare of land. If building categories/demands are not available in Table 1, please contact our Planning and Capital Works Department for further information.

Submission for the Detailed Design of Water Supply Systems

The detailed design of water supply systems shall be in accordance with each phase of development. You are required to submit three (3) sets of reports for the detailed design of water supply systems containing the following information: